Cinnamon buns!

        This was one of those times I tried something new and managed to bake it perfectly! I always get the feeling that a new recipe I try might fail for any number of reasons, whether the oven isn't working correctly, or I added the ingredients in the wrong order etc but these cinnamon buns were so easy to make and even though it took some time overall (if you account for the proving of the dough) it was totally worth it! My sister told me a few days ago that winter is coming in Cape Town (I have yet to see it) and I should make something warm and comforting to eat, and this hit the spot perfectly! If you like donuts and other similar pastries then this recipe is one you have to try!

Recipe: Cinnamon buns


250ml full-cream milk

90ml sunflower oil

7.5g yeast

325g cake flour

1/3 teaspoon salt


90g butter, softened

22.5g ground cinnamon

90ml sugar

5ml vanilla essence 

62g seedless raisins


125g icing sugar

1 vanilla bean pod

30ml water-cooled


Warmth the drain and oil in a skillet, yet don't give the drain a chance to bubble 

Expel from the warmth, and it cool for a bit 

Put the dry fixings including the yeast into a blender, and with a mixture whisk gradually add the wet fixings to the dry. 

Cover and leave the mixture to ascend for 60 minutes 

After this, manipulate the batter with some flour to not give it a chance to adhere to the surface. 

Fold the batter into a square shape and abandon it about 1,5cm thick. 

Beat together the filling fixings, and spread equally over the mixture. 

Fold the batter into a tight log, and cut into 2cm rounds. 

Pack firmly into a round or square stove verification tin and let rise again for a30 minutes. 

From that point, prepare the buns in the stove at 180 degrees for around 35 minutes, or until brilliant dark colored. 

When the buns turn out shower the icing over the buns (consolidate all fixings together and whisk). 

Bon apetit! 



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